
Fuck It, Let's Start With The Big Guns

I was debating how I really wanted to kick off the topics on this blog. I wasn't sure if I wanted to toss out something big, deep, and potentially controversial or start with something less heavy like a TV or sports post. The first post sets the tone for the blog, so I wasn't sure which direction was the best to take. After thinking about it though, I think this is a good place to start. I'd like to think that I'm a pretty honest person. I'd like to think I can tell it like it is, even if I am definitely a fairly shy and quiet person a lot of the time. Therefore, I'd like to set the tone by starting out with a straight forward honest post with some substance. I'm bringing out the big guns and using my first main blog post as my take on religion.

I'm really not a very opinionated person on a lot of things. I don't believe in black and white. Everything has a grey area. Granted some things have less of a grey area than others, but that grey area still does exist. I bring this up for two reasons. First, I'm not going to ever try to preach and impose my beliefs on anyone else. There's more than one path from point A to point B. Second, it ties in with what I believe is one of the main issues with people's interpretation on religion.

There are no words strong enough for me to express just how much I hate it when people use their own personal religious beliefs as a measuring stick for how those around them should act. To me, that seems like such a narcissistic way to look at the world. I mean, how narcissistic do you have to be to believe that what you personally believe should govern what everyone else does? I mean, I have my own religious beliefs and would consider myself to be a moderately religious person, but it absolutely boggles my mind that people can be that narcissistic.

That being said though, I definitely believe that religion and spirituality are a good thing for humanity. Well, let me rephrase that. It can be a good thing. Unfortunately, it can also be a very bad thing, and history seems to show us that again and again. I think it can be a very good thing though to believe in something, whatever that may be. The people that get so caught up in it though that they feel the need to scream it from the rooftops are not utilizing religion correctly though. My belief is, preach to those who want to hear it. Don't worry about those who don't. Everyone's on the same level. Everyone's human, and everyone has the ability and the right to make decisions for themselves.

Let's look at someone like Pat Robertson. He recently made a comment that the earthquake in Haiti was a punishment from God because the Haitian people sold their souls to Satan. Honestly, here's how I look at something like that. If that's what he truly believes, in all honesty, I don't have an issue with him having that belief. HOWEVER...the fact that he feels the need to vocalize that belief is troubling. It helps no one. I would like to think that a main overlying theme of Christianity is to help other people. Therefore, shouldn't he be trying to help other human beings instead of finger pointing?

I'm sure I'm rambling at this point, but I think my main point is this. Quite frankly, it really doesn't matter what anyone believes. From atheism all the way out to believing that mutant robot squirrels gave birth to a Mexican parrot that formed the universe with its excrement, it really doesn't matter. People need to keep in mind though that these are their own beliefs. Religion can be a very good thing on a personal level, but people need to keep in mind that it's just that...it's a personal thing.

I'm sure this post is jumping around a bit and feels like rambling, but that's because I could make 1,000 posts on this subject. That's not my objective though. I'm sure my views here aren't anything new and exciting, but I think people's actions in society demonstrate that this message needs to be repeated again and again. Religious beliefs can be a great thing on a personal level, but it's very important to remember that they don't necessarily extend to those around you. That's where the problems with religion start. Instead of concentrating about how other people's beliefs match up with yours, concentrate on being a good person. I think it's as simple as that. If you can do that, everything else should fall into place. There's no need to overly complicate things. Just be a decent person.




Welcome to the first entry on this brand new blog destined to make the entire internet spontaneously combust from its immeasurable greatness. Well...not really, but I hope if you take the time to read anything I post here that it's worth your time. I don't really have any particular purpose for this blog in all honesty. I'm sure topics on will have a pretty ridiculous range encompassing many different things. To name a few, I'm sure this blog will eventually contain posts about sports, movies, music, politics, personal philosophies, angry rants, and a million other things.

One thing I would like to advertise a bit here should be showing up on the right side of the blog if I entered it in correctly. The Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the proccess of releasing a 44 song album entitled "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope." This album, however, is being released song by song for free over the internet. So far two songs have been released (which should be available for streaming and download on the right), and a new song should be coming out approximately once every month. I'm sure it won't be everyone's thing, but hey, it's free music.

For now, I think that's about it. I don't think I'm going to have a regular timetable for updates. I'll likely just add something whenever I have the inspiration to do so or have some free time.

Now playing: Smashing Pumpkins - To Forgive
via FoxyTunes