
I'm Sure This Will Open Up A Can Of Worms For Some People...

It's a topic I feel like ranting a little bit about though. I absolutely CANNOT STAND IT when people cite a particular weather system (specifically this huge ass snow storm) and proclaim "This must mean global warming is false!!!"

Now, before I go any farther, I need to clarify my stance on the subject of global warming. Quite frankly, I don't know what I believe. What I do know though is that each side of the political spectrum uses it as propaganda to manipulate people. Therefore, I don't even know where to try to educate myself on the matter. I don't trust either side to provide me with unbiased data to make an educated decision from.

Anyway, back to the original topic. This rant is inspired by a couple Facebook statuses I read and a segment from The Daily Show where they showed clips from the always fair and balanced Fox News gloating that this snow storm disproves Al Gore. Apparently the existence of snow is indisputable evidence that global warming is simply impossible. Like I said, I don't really know if I believe it exists or not. Maybe it's just a normal cyclical pattern that Earth is going through. Either way though, the existence of snow and cold weather is not a suitable argument against global warming. It seems to be happening a bit more now because of the storm, but it's something I hear people say every winter. To me, it seems like the most unsophisticated argument possible and is just brainwashing bullshit fed to people from the media.

That's really all I want to say about the subject, so this is going to be a pretty short entry. I wanted to put my two cents out there though. Like I said in the religion entry, I'm probably not offering anything new and exciting, but it's sort of therapeutic to just put my thoughts out there in words when I find a topic that bothers me. I'm playing around with a couple ideas for my next entry. I'll either rant about another political topic that bothers me, or I might do a baseball entry since Spring Training is starting up soon. I might also think of something else that interests me. We'll see.


Now playing: ESPN - Baseball Today: 2/11
via FoxyTunes

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