


I'm so pumped for this. It's a show I somehow avoided for its first five years, but I became interested in watching it when I discovered that I could watch all five seasons on Netflix. I had seen the first part of the pilot episode before, but that was it. On December 10th, 2009, I watched the second part of the pilot. On December 30th, 2009, I finished up season 5. Yep...in about 20 days, I watched about 100 episodes of Lost. It probably wasn't very healthy since I was watching episodes into the early morning hours sometimes and not getting much sleep. It sure as hell was fun though.

Anyway, in this blog post, I'm going to list my five favorite Lost characters (in no order) and explain why I love them so much. The list changes often and could very well change by the end of the night. For now though, here are my top five Lost characters:

1. Ben
2. Hurley
3. Charlie
4. Locke
5. Sawyer

1. Ben - Ben might be one of my favorite television or movie characters ever. He's an absolute diabolical genius. What's especially great though is that there are so many instances where you're not sure if maybe this time he's turned a corner and is being honest. Then every single time, he winds up being the same diabolical mastermind he's always been. You can't help falling for it though. Recently his character has been made to look weaker and more human, and again, I can't help but wonder if this time he's an innocent bystander to the situation going on. Or yet again, will he prove to be the manipulative, diabolical, evil genius he's always been?

2. Hurley - Hurley's that big teddy bear you just can't help but love. Not only that, but his character is one of the more deep and interesting ones in the show. He's also a character that has a great deal of mystery still surrounding him. He comes off as one of the most genuinely nice characters on the show, and often can provide the show with a lot of humor. When his character takes a serious turn though, he's so good at making you truly care about him. Also, you gotta love that his dad is played by Cheech.

3. Charlie - He's unfortunately dead now (Or is he? Just about anything is possible in the Lost universe.), but I like Charlie for a lot of the same reasons that I like Hurley. His character is very deep and interesting, and he also comes off as one of the nicer characters on the show (went he isn't loaded or in withdrawal anyway). I loved the storyline of Charlie's inner battle with his drug addiction and how it affected his relationships with other people on the island. Plus in the end, knowing he would likely die, selflessly helped everyone else. You can't hate a guy like that.

4. Locke - For the sake of simplicity, I'm including "fake Locke" from the end of season 5 as well since they're played by the same actor. Even though some of the evidence of it gets thrown off at the end of season 5, Locke is kind of like the Christ figure of Lost (high school AP English strikes again). He's often the antithesis of Jack's beliefs in science. Locke is often willing to take a leap of faith rather than using science and reason to solve a problem. He's easy to get behind because he's so mysterious. I'm not sure where his character goes now, but it seems likely he'll be a major player in the end of the series.

5. Sawyer - Sawyer is a character that really grew on me as the show progressed. I couldn't stand him at first, though I was definitely curious about him from the very beginning. As his character evolved, he became less of a total jackass and much more of a sympathetic character. Especially in the later seasons, even though he still had some asshole characteristics, you could tell that he was a legitimately nice guy that cared deeply about the people that he grew to be friends with on the island. Plus he sort of looks like CM Punk at times. That gave him the victory in the tiebreaker over my honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions: Daniel, Eko, and Desmond

As I am typing this sentence though, we're only 51 minutes away from the recap episode of Lost. Immediately following that, season 6 begins. Having to wait a week between episodes might kill me since I'm not used to having to wait between episodes. I'm expecting an amazing finale to the series though.


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